Tuesday, September 29, 2009







Go Peace.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Finally I reach my hometown,Menglembu. I miss my bed and my room so much.
Today I slept until 9 a.m. only wake up,what a good dream I have yesterday.
To those that still in kampar,enjoy your life there. Hahaha!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Last Day of 1st Semester in UTAR


回到家,突然有点感触,觉得所背负的责任一下子轻了很多。 今天以后,我在也不用被同学说为什么你没有印我的notes的, 为什么这样? 为什么那样? 有时候真的是觉得很累, 但是还是得咬紧牙根继续为我的组服务下去, 这样才不会辜负那些对于我抱着希望的那些组员。

今天跟TD8的class rep谈天,他也说下个学期不要做了。 太累了嘛!!! Class rep也是人,也要休息的嘛。

不管怎样, 我所背负的责任终于可以交给其他人去做了, 好开心啊!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 14 At UTAR

It is almost come to the end of the first trimester. Is it sad to say farewell but this is a "procedure" in our life isn't it?

During my life in UTAR, many of you from TD7 have left a very unforgetable memory either sweet or bitter in my journey at UTAR. Maybe we will not have chance to meet with each other during next trimester but I will never forget you guys.

I will remember the time that I cycled to school with Zi Xiang, ask Li Jing to sign for me when I was late to class(like my personal secretary), did presentation with my group, collected report late from some guys especially Benjamin and other more.

Although we will not be study in the same class anymore but it doesn't mean that our friendship will end like that. I hope that we can still contact each other and go to mamak together.

Let me use one sentence to be the end."Let the friendship of TD7 be forever in our heart".