Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Open Letter To TD7 II

Although someone said that being a class rep is very easy task, but I strongly disagree with this.
Maybe is just I don't have that kind of talent the leadership??? Remember when I was a primary school, I always thought that being a leader was an easy task but now only I realize it was a mistake.
Although I try my best in this position, but sometime I still heard some complaint of group members against me at the back. Some members just don't want to cooperate with me making me hard to help them. Some members asked me to join them in next trimester and want me to be their class rep. I still wondering is this a sincere invitation to me or just want to use me. I feel suffer when I think about this matter. To those who want to be a class rep next trimester, here my one week's work and you can make some reference form here.

Thusday:check wble and save notes that lecturer have upload(need to sleep late cause going to be a trafic jam on wble,some lecuter always upload notes late)

Friday:Go to block B to print out the notes,hand the reports to lecturer(need to skip some class to make sure the lecturer can get the reports in time, sometime problems occurs such as students hand up their reports late or raining.)

Monday:Go to collect the notes from block B and distribute to the group members(sometime it will be late cause by too much customer on the photostat shop)

Tues:Hand up report to lecturer.

This is just only a light describe for a duty of class rep since we also need to collect test paper from group members but some group members sometimes don't pass up so class rep have to donate their own la.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to those who sincere want me to join them in mext trimester and for those who I cann't join them,sorry from me.

PS:Next time I going to give comment about some students that give me a deep memory.

1 comment:

桦@_@桦 said...
